Mainline Railways
Field Survey & Detailed Project Reports for:
1. East Central Railway 325 km Routes
2. Western Railway 1320 km Routes
3. North Eastern Railway 455 km routes
4. Northern Western Railways 430 km Routes
5. South Central Railway 1215 km Routes
6. South Western Railway 150 km routes

• Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Surveys, Detailed Design Report Detailed Design Study for 450 km routes for Chhattisgarh Rail Corporation Limited (CRCL)
• Ircon International Limited - 200 km routes
• Survey and DPR for 50 km route for providing Surveys and Detailed Project Report long BG electrified single line in State of Jharkhand
• 37 km Routes in connection with Consultancy Services, Detailed Project Reports, Feasibility Reports, Designs and Surveys for Northeast Frontier Railway
• Design for Re-Building of 3 ROBs in Delhi City Northern Railway