Automatic Vehicle Location
Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System and Passenger Information System (PIS)
Client – Transport Department, GNCT Delhi, GMCBL, Gurugram, Nagpur Municipal Corporation and BEST, Mumbai
To improve the efficiency, reliability and punctuality of the bus operations in the aforementioned cities and to ensure optimal deployment of the fleet, which would eventually lead to higher commuter satisfaction and improved level of confidence in bus services, the said authorities decided to entrust DIMTS with implementation of the Global Positioning System (GPS) enabled Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Projects in the respective cities.
What is AVL?
The GPS enabled AVL allows real-time tracking of bus movement and provides information on its location. This information is then used along with other details such as the speed of the bus, the route followed etc to provide the passengers waiting at the bus stops with the expected arrival time of their bus. This information is displayed on LED boards (PIS) installed at the bus stops as well as inside the buses. The AVL also helps in improving the efficiency of bus operations.